Aligning Sales With Value

Afrihomes Realtors through its partners will be helping people with property buying or selling in Kenya. We have put together an all-round team of experts with experience the real estate market taking advantage of our experience and marketing prowess has helped us find developers and customers who trust our service. All our services are tailored around your needs, finances and supported by our extensive real estate knowledge and networking that allows us access to properties that only a few can offer. Whether you are a buyer or a seller, we treat you with care, attention, and responsibility.

You Can Sell Your Property At The Best Price With The Least Hassle

Selling your property is no easy feat, especially if you lack the resources and knowledge. As an owner, putting your property up for sale can be emotionally taxing and time-consuming. As your sales agents, we remain by your side every step. From sales valuation to completion, our real estate agents remain by your side to guide you. At Afrihomes Realtors, we have tried and tested methods, one of which is to pursue relationships exclusively with investors we trust and tailor made purchase plan to suit a target clientele. We are building a track record of exceeding clients’ expectations while lightening their burden of approaching the property sales market with our guided and hands-on approach. If you are an owner of freehold properties in Kenya or Africa, you need to make sure you receive the most up-to-date and accurate advice. Since the residential sales market is one of the fastest moving and competitive in the world, you need guidance from experts in property sales in Kenya. There are thousands of houses for sale in Kenya throughout the year, making it difficult for you to sell your house on your own. You need the expertise of a seasoned real estate agent to get you through. Afrihomes Realtors is building the experience in smoothing out your sale process.

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Your Dream Home Begins Here

We provide:

  • Exclusive access to off-market properties.
  • Securing viewings to highly sought-after residences before anyone else.
  • Removing the need to ever pay over the odds through competitive bidding.
  • Tailor making a payment plans for each purchase that fit with your finances.

We have put together a portfolio of great apartments that will be tailored to your personal preferences and will endeavour to increase the options to meet every client needs and expectations. Given the ideal location of the apartments, the grand design, and the luxurious living, all our properties on sale offer you a divine lifestyle. When purchasing a home, we make sure you get the premium options to choose from at a competitive rate.

Offering A Multitude Of Opportunities

Since we have access to off-market properties, Afrihomes Realtors can take you to properties that are yet to be accessed by other agents or clients. It mitigates the hassle and disappointment of deals falling through or dramatic market variations in prices.

Know What Your Property Stands For

We have put together a team of qualified individuals to carry out a sales valuation of your property. The registered property valuers at Afrihomes Realtors have extensive experience in houses, estates, manors, and all other commercial asset classes so that you can find all services under one roof.

We pride ourselves on our commitment and integrity, which motivate us to help each of our clients make well-informed decisions.

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